
Payel Datta
Payel Datta

药物的目的是预防或治疗疾病. 药物包括多种药物产品,包括生物制药和小分子药物. 生物制药是利用细胞系统生产的生物分子. 小分子药物是化学合成的. 一种药物从发现到获得批准的过程是受到严格监管的. 最关键的问题包括这种药物是否安全有效. 我们的研究旨在探索药物作用的分子机制. Specifically, we employ cell-based screening platforms (2D and 3D cell culture systems) to examine the effects of chemicals and biomolecules on cellular processes, including cell growth, metabolism, migration, signaling, and gene expression. 此外,我们旨在探讨内在和外在因素对药品质量的影响. 通过这些组合方法, the research aims to enhance the understanding of the molecular mechanisms underpinning drug efficacy and potential toxicity. 

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Pradeepa Jayachandran
Pradeepa Jayachandran

Assistant Professor 
518- 694-7260

抗菌素耐药性(AMR)对人类、动物和环境构成重大威胁. Dr. Jayachandran’s primary research interest is understanding the genetic basis of antibiotic resistance in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), 一种革兰氏阳性病原体,导致近11,每年仅在美国就有1000人死亡. 她的研究重点是SOS和压力(ROS)的作用, 金黄色葡萄球菌获得抗生素耐药性的反应. 细菌DNA损伤应激反应, 也被称为SOS响应, 包括一组在DNA损伤条件下被诱导的保守基因. 其中包括参与DNA修复途径和易出错聚合酶的基因. 易出错聚合酶的表达增加导致突变率增加, 哪些因素会导致抗生素耐药性. RecA和LexA是这种SOS响应的主要调制器. Two main projects in the lab are: 1) Studying the effect of RecA inhibitors on the emergence of antibiotic resistance; 2) Identifying genes that play a role in SOS and stress response using a transposon mutant library.  These studies will help us understand the pathogenicity and the mechanism of antibiotic resistance in MRSA and provide insights for the development of new therapeutics.

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Tim LaRocca
Tim LaRocca, PhD

Assistant Professor 

Dr. LaRocca的研究兴趣主要在于真核细胞程序性死亡(PCD)的机制. 这包括细胞凋亡过程, necroptosis, 平衡这两种途径的分子开关. Dr. LaRocca对葡萄糖在驱动PCD中的作用特别感兴趣. He is actively investigating the mechanism of hyperglycemic cell death and its role in the exacerbation of ischemic brain injury (stroke). 他实验室的第二个项目是 这是美国国立卫生研究院资助的一项研究,旨在提高对一种红细胞死亡的认识 称为坏死性上睑下垂并探索影响这一过程的方法. Results from this work could one day lead to improved treatments for patients suffering from bacterial blood infections and other blood related disorders. 

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Ehsan Mahdinia
Ehsan Mahdinia, PhD

Assistant Professor

The major focus of Dr. Mahdinia的研究方向是微生物发酵的增值产品, 特别是生物制药. As a professor of CBET (生物制药教育与培训中心). Mahdinia is part of the CBET team that aims to educate undergraduate and graduate students and provide workforce training in the manufacturing of biopharmaceuticals. Thus, CBET拥有所有全新的尖端设备,用于上游和下游的生物加工, virtually any novel research ideas in the field of fermentation products are welcome and feasible to carry out! 如欲了解更多有关CBET设施及Dr .. Mahdinia在CEBT中的作用; 检查一下中心的设施.

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Meenakshi Malik
Meenakshi Malik, DVM, PhD


博士的长期研究目标. Malik’s laboratory is to understand the complexities of host pathogen interactions for the development of improved prophylactics and therapeutics against important bacterial infections. She has a 由美国国立卫生研究院提供为期三年的资助 研究土拉菌的致病机制, a category A biothreat agent survives inside the immune cells and suppresses the protective immune responses. A second area of focus is investigating the molecular mechanisms leading to the development of antibiotic resistance in methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) strains. 点击下面的PubMed链接 在博士进行的研究项目的附加信息. Malik's lab.

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Michelle Parent

Associate Professor

Dr. Parent是一位训练有素的微生物学家、临床微生物学家和免疫学家. 她的研究重点是了解对感染的免疫反应, 特别关注两种细菌病原体——副溶血性弧菌和鼠疫耶尔森菌. V. 副溶血性细菌是一种革兰氏阴性菌,最常与食用生牡蛎有关. Dr. Parent's research on this bacterium seeks to characterize which type of host response to infection may allow it to evade the host innate responses. Y. 鼠疫杆菌是兼性细胞内革兰氏阴性杆菌. With this pathogen, the focus of the lab's work is to identify and understand those aspects of the immune response needed to survive a lethal pneumonic infection in order to produce a more efficacious vaccine.

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Nicole Shakerley
Nicole Shakerley博士

Associate Professor

Dr. Shakerley的研究兴趣包括鲍曼不动杆菌的研究, 一种革兰氏阴性机会性病原体,不仅对医院有威胁, 但对部署到海外战区的军事人员的影响尤为严重. Currently, 耐多药不动杆菌种类占7,000 infections in the United States per year which may be exacerbated by the pathogen’s innate ability to evade host immune defenses. One of the major areas of focus for her lab is the development of novel therapeutic strategies to combat antibiotic resistant nature of this pathogen.

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Binshan Shi
Binshan Shi, PhD

Associate Professor

Dr. Shi’s research interests are mainly focused on understanding the molecular basis of disease pathogenesis by using advanced molecular biology, virology, molecular genetics, 以及生物信息学方法. 他的实验室使用的方法包括a) HIV-1感染分子克隆, recombinant virus, and reporter gene technologies to study HIV phenotypes such as infection and replication; b) HIV-1 single genome amplification, sequencing and bioinformatics tools to understand genotype changes and their association with disease progression. 博士的另一个主要兴趣领域. Shi的实验室设计和开发用于检测传染病的诊断分析, 监测疾病进展, 管理治疗.

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Vir Singh
Vir Singh PhD

Assistant Professor

Dr. Singh has an extensive scientific background in studying molecular mechanisms associated with HIV pathogenesis, genomic imprinting, 分子生物学和小鼠疾病模型. Dr. Singh’s research interests include investigating the underlying molecular mechanisms involved in- i) HIV associated neurological disorder, ii) HIV latency, 病毒感染诱发发育缺陷. Currently, Dr. Singh’s lab is focused at investigating two projects that come under NIH HIV/AIDS high priority research topics. Project 1: To investigate the consequences of HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) mediated downregulation of Sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling on brain homeostasis with specific focus on aberrant communication between astrocytes and other brain-resident cells (brain endothelial cells, pericytes, 小胶质细胞和神经元). Project 2: To characterize select noncoding RNAs for their potential to establish HIV latency via- i) mediating Interferon signaling, ii)通过表观遗传机制调节HIV基因组的表达. Successful completion of these studies will identify novel targets to alleviate HIV pathogenesis as well as pave the way towards HIV cure.

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Eric Yager
Eric Yager, PhD

Assistant Professor

Research in Dr. Yager’s laboratory is focused on understanding how the body regulates inflammatory responses during flu infection. Recent studies have established a critical role for the multi-protein cytosolic NLPR3 inflammasome complex in host defense and pathophysiology during flu infection. Specifically, Dr. Yager and his team are investigating how NLRP3 inflammasome activation and resultant inflammatory cytokine secretion are regulated on a molecular level to favor host protection over immunopathology. Other areas of research include the identification of novel targets for the development of new anti-viral drugs to combat flu infection and the role of viral-induced inflammation in the etiology and pathogenesis of autism spectrum disorder.

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